Monday, June 14, 2021


 The day I’ve been waiting for!

I was here one year and 3 months ago when Covid hit.  I never dreamed it would be that long before we would be allowed to return! 

One of my favorite places in El Salvador is the Center for Adults with Special Needs. They are mentally like children, but in adult bodies.  These people have been thrown away by society. Society has made a a mistake! These sweet friends of mine are precious jewels!

In Matthew 25:40 it talks about how when we serve the least of these, we are serving Him!  Those Adult-Children that used to be at San Martin are considered “the least of these” by society. 

I love them like family and it was so hard knowing that they could not possibly understand what the pandemic was or why we could not come to visit them! When I saw them, I wept! I have missed them, I have worried that they would forget me, or think that I didn’t care about them, but that wasn’t the case. Some of them cried too. 

They listened closely as we told them about Saul killing Christians, and going blind. We told them through a skit that Ananias was afraid, but did as God asked and went and prayed for Saul. We talked about listening for God, and how we can trust him when he calls us to do things, even things that may not make sense to others. 

Then we danced! We danced with reckless abandon! It was everything I had dreamed of for SO long! Their joy was worth the wait! 

In the afternoon we visited with over 100 children of all ages! Some played soccer, others volleyball, and basketball. We did crafts. We did our Saul skit. We took a tour of their facility and headed back for the long trip back to the mission house. 

It was a very blessed day!

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