Friday, December 30, 2011
People Who Sew Pillow Case Dresses Make a Difference!
This pretty pillow case dress is probably the first new dress this little girl has ever had! She looks thrilled! Thanks go to all those who sew our beautiful dresses that we are blessed to pass out to precious children like this one!
On Top of the World!
The highest mountains in Haiti are 9000 ft. above sea level, we just climbed between 3500 and 4000 ft to a village just above Life Line Mission House, We took dental hi-gene products to about 75 or 80 kids. Had the awesome pleasure of sharing Gods word with them, Told them the Bible story.
. The climb up and down the mountain was grueling for a man my age but praise the LORD I made it and now I am TIRED!! We left the mission house a about 4:45 am with flashlights in hand and up the trail we went. Half way up the mountain the sunrise was spectacular, as I admired it I thought to my self how insignificant I am and just how awesome our God is! Praise his name! George Fields
Toys in Haiti?

A stick that was attached to what appeared to be wheels that had broke off of a stroller. Mona Kegel
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Work, Work, Work!
WORK!WORK!WORK! no R&R here,just a short time to get a lot accomplished! Today we had a lot going on, it was maintenance day at the compound, We repaired one of the solar ovens broken reflective panels, we built six new benches with desk tops for sunday school rooms, removed broken tile and replaced them and cemented them in place, the hatch cover for the water well was broken, cut out a new piece of flat steel and repaired it. But the best is for last! Tonight the Haitian ladies that prepare our supper meals, fixed us a traditional Haitian dinner, it was FABULOUS!!! George Fields
Lifeline Compound
We partner with Children's Lifeline for our Haiti trips! Take a look at their website, they do amazing things in Haiti!
Clebner Prays!
Russ Kegel: Clebner praying for George. What an amazing child!!
Michelle Chapman ( on last year's Starfish Haiti Team and Clebner's monthly sponsor): "I'll never forget how I felt when he laid his hands on my head and prayed for me and now we are so blessed to be his sponsors!"
Tica McCuiston,( Starfish Team in Haiti now) : That was one amazing and powerful prayer! Still brings tears when I see this picture. He is an awesome child!!!
Michelle Chapman ( on last year's Starfish Haiti Team and Clebner's monthly sponsor): "I'll never forget how I felt when he laid his hands on my head and prayed for me and now we are so blessed to be his sponsors!"
Tica McCuiston,( Starfish Team in Haiti now) : That was one amazing and powerful prayer! Still brings tears when I see this picture. He is an awesome child!!!
1000 Hot Dogs
Russ Kegel, team leader: "|Team just cooked and passed out close to 1000 hotdogs to the kids in the village. What a blessing to see how excited they all were. Now to watch a local soccer game. :)"
Starfish Haiti Team
We had 10 team members that left on Christmas night, and drove to St. Louis, then flew to Haiti. They arrived at the Lifeline compound on Monday evening. We have had some difficulties in getting email accounts of their experiences and pictures, so what we are posting is what we've pulled from Facebook. It looks like they are having an incredible trip!
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