Monday, March 9, 2020

PTHS, Saturday & Sunday in El Salvador

The Paducah Tilghman High School team landed safely in El Salvador late Saturday and didn't waste any time making an impact! After getting acquainted with their new surroundings the team made sandwiches and packed meals for the homeless and part of their group went out to feed the hungry!
On Sunday the team spent the day serving at two government ran orphanages. One is a home for teenage boys and the other an intake center for kids of all ages. They enjoyed practicing their Spanish, playing with the children and seeing how different their lives truly are. They also spent some time with older teens living in the transition house programs who have aged out of orphanages. 
(For the privacy and safety of the children the team visited today, 
these particular centers do not allow photos to be taken.)

Here is an account of Sunday's experiences from Kara Story...

"We started off our day with a wonderful breakfast. We then went to CISNA and I helped with the bracelet making for the boys.  They were such sweet kids that’s are cared for by many including everyone at Starfish.  We ate the best fried chicken for lunch then headed to play with kids at ISNA. I handed out snow cones to the kids there while learning a few more Spanish words while doing so.  We had a great bible study that the transition kids came to listen to! For supper we had the best spaghetti I’ve ever had.  It was also Riley’s birthday today! Right after he blew out the candles Steven hit Riley In the face with a whipped cream pie. Today has made me realize how much we take for granted in the US, but how happy we can be if we have Jesus."

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