Sunday, July 7, 2019

Friday, Beach Day!

We had a great day at the beach today with the girls from CIPI.  It was extra special because this is a center that does not get to leave the grounds very often for various reasons.  They absolutely loved the ocean!  Their laughter was contagious!  Today was about loving and laughing with these friends.  One of the girls did not know how to swim and just sat at the edge of the water and let the waves hit her. Then we moved to the pool and she sat on the side. Slowly she got in and floated on a life ring.  We were playing volleyball in the water and I kept trying to get her to join us but she was afraid.  After about an hour she got off and joined us. More laughter! We shared lunch together and then the girls all wanted bead braids in their hair. 
It was a perfect way to end our week!

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