Saturday, March 25, 2017

Dance Unto the Lord

Hi! My name is Chelsea and I'm writing the blog from El Salvador for today. Today was really special for a lot of reasons. It was our last full day here in El Salvador, so although it was bittersweet, I think we were all really trying to make the very most of it. Another reason today was so awesome was that we got to hang out with adults with special needs at San Martin. They were so full of joy and kindness and life, it was absolutely infectious. I couldn't help but smile just getting to be around them. We started our day with them by having a dance party outside.

Let me be clear, I am not the best dancer. It's not something I do a lot because it's pretty difficult to get me out of my shell. But as soon as they started the music, a bunch of the kids at the center started dancing, and I just had to join in. It was a blast to spend that time with them and just have fun. We then took them to Pizza Hut, and after that we took them to the children's museum. 

The tour guides at the museum were wonderful. 

They were super interactive with the kids. It was so great to see them having such a good time. I'm so grateful and blessed to be a part of that experience. 

Today was most definitely one of my favorite days here!

Psalm 149:3 "Let them praise his name in dance; strike up the band and make great music!"

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