Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Sunday

From Grace Hudson, age 8:
We saw orphans at CIPI and went to church.  I spent a lot of time in the baby room.  I played with an orphan named B* most of the time.  She would not smile at first. But when I started to play with her she laughed a lot.  She liked to throw things!  I felt very excited and happy today.  Mom said she was really proud of me for playing with the babies without being asked to, and for doing so well with them. 
In the special needs area, we saw an orphan that we met last year.  She had gotten really big!  She copied noises Mom made, and played peek-a-boo.  I was glad to see her. J

 Christella Hudson:
Today was a blessed, beautiful day to celebrate our risen Savior.  We began with a wonderful church service, and just like last year, there is something special about worshipping with my brothers and sisters in El Salvador.  Maybe it comes from singing in different languages, knowing all the while you are all praising the same God.  We also had the honor of being present for the baptisms of 10 young people!!  The entire church family rejoiced with the decisions their youth had made, and we did as well.  We shared the story of the resurrection in Sunday School and did crafts with the children and teens.
After lunch, we headed to the government intake center, CIPI.  As I walked in the baby room, I was overwhelmed to see so many.  I am humbled God allows me to partake in loving on these precious babies.  I literally discarded my backpack and politely asked which baby I could snuggle first!  I ended up holding almost all the infants, putting two completely to sleep.  Toward the end of my time, a little 2-year-old named G* was placed in his play pen.  Obviously sleepy, he began crying.  I scooped him up and looked into his big chocolatey brown eyes, watching them light up every time I planted a kiss on his little head or cheeks.  I sang to him, I cried for him, and I prayed for him.  I thanked God he allowed me time to give this child the love he so deserves.  As it was time for me to move to another area of CIPI, this little guy sobbed every time I tried to put him down.  Finally, I had to just walk away. 
When I have shared with others that we are visiting orphanages, I often get this response:  “I could never do that.  It would just be too hard.”  I can say without reservation (even if you are not as big of a crybaby as I am), it is too hard.  It is SO painful.  But I consider it an honor to have my heart broken this way.  If the pain I feel and the tears I shed allow these children even one minute of experiencing the love of Christ, it is all worth it.  Thank you, God, for loving us as you do, and allowing us to share that love with others
Today was the first full day here. And just as I expected, it was full of blessings. I always enjoy church here, no one is afraid to praise God, or raise their hands in worship. Too many times we let our pride get in our way, whenever we have so much more to be thankful for! In our churches, we have cushions on our pews, and we have services in air conditioner/heat. It's not like that he, but that doesn't matter.  They worship anyways!    We spent the afternoon at CIPI.    Laura and I were in the teen girls area first. The girls made bracelets, and I shared my testimony with them. We also went to the teen moms, where one of the young mothers, (who is deaf) has to leave CIPI  in 3 days.   Jenny asked her where she was going to stay, and she told her with the child's father. Jenny then asked if she loved him, and she replied no.   So I encourage everyone reading this to be in prayer for this young girl, just that God will show her the path he wants her to take, and that her and the baby are safe in his arms.    We then visited the special needs children and the babies. Which is always so touching.   The have all grown so much since I was here in October!  

 I'm just so thankful that God has always provided a way for me to make the trips to El Salvador, and I'm so thankful to have learned about Starfish, and all the local and international things they are able to help with.   I really cannot thank God enough for all of his many blessings and being my strength while I'm down here.   


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