Monday, February 18, 2019

Sunday - MCHS in El Salvador

Sunday was a day full of hard work for the team along with countless acts of selflessness and service to others. Please enjoy the accounts from Josie and Leyla below...

-Josie Powers-

Although today was the longest, hardest day we have had yet, I wouldn’t change it for the world. Being able to build two houses for two beautiful families was an experience I will never forget. Every moment from putting the floor panels down to moving the furniture in to the final locking of the door, such joy was portrayed on every family members face. It’s amazing what God can do. With Gods grace and love we got to build two families not only a house but a home. A home where many memories will be made, many laughs laughed, and many hearts filled. When they told us that we would be building a house, I thought they were crazy.

Very few of us have ever done that kind of work before. Yet once again God worked a miracle, and gave us the strength and patience to complete the project.

His love and grace carried on to that evening, were I had the experience of feeding the homeless. This was something that no one could prepare me for. No matter how much they told me of what I would see, it wouldn’t prepare me for seeing more than a hundred homeless people lining the streets. Most people ranging from ages five years old to eighty. But once again, Gods love was shown. We had the blessing of being able to  feed some of the people. To many a sandwich, soda, and apple is not much of a meal, but to them it is a little glimpse of hope. Even if just one person was able to understand Gods love through a small act of his grace, it was worth it. His love never ceases to amaze me. 

-Leyla Young-
“This day was probably the hardest for me. As we got to the community we went to meet the first family, a couple with two younger girls. And they couldn’t be any sweeter. Moving on to the next family’s house that we built. This was the hardest part for me. I met a young boy Mario the day before at the festival and played with him. When I saw that we were building his house it broke my heart. I didn’t know that the sweet loving boy I met a day ago was in desperate need of a home, love, and hope. To hear his story and about his family was the toughest challenge I faced. I never thought how much a little boy could impact me in just a 24 hour time span. You truly don’t know what people have and don’t have.


After a long hard day of physical and emotional pain, I fed the homeless. I don’t think I was mentally prepared to what I was about to see. You see homeless people here and there but nothing to ever grab your attention. When you see kids 5,6,7 years old on the street and in shirts and panties for clothes it goes to show you how much people need help, they need love, lots of love. “

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