Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Off to a Great Start!

The team was up and at the airport by 4am! They flew to Atlanta, and then on to San Salvador!! They arrived safely with 45 checked bags, 32 carry-Ons. 32 back packs, and 32 tired travelers!  When they got out of the airport, they loaded a bus and headed for the world famous States Diner! 

The diner was started to give training and a job to kids that had aged out of orphanages and could not get a job. This is part of the transition program for young people. The food is incredible, and the service even better!

When they had eaten all they could, they headed to the mission house. Their "home away from home" for the week.  They quickly unpacked and began preparing food to feed the homeless. One third can go and feed per night, so the first third went tonight, while the others got ready for some much needed rest!

Tomorrow they will hit the ground running, by visiting and having fun with both adults and children with special needs! Please keep our team in your thoughts and prayers!

Laura Roberts


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